Recent videos from John Neal Jr.

How To Connect With People (Time To Get It Monday Season Finale!)

Connecting with people can be important as relates to life. Most of us go through life not understanding who our friends are and what they mean to us. Therefore, we must understand what the meaning of friendship really is, and what our responsibility is as relates to making these connections. A wise man once said it sometimes takes years to form meaning for relationships, and just one moment to lose them. The point that I'm trying to make is that our friendships should be protected by way of investing time and energy  into the relationship. Most people are takers rather ...

Becoming Self Actualized Will Change Your Life (Time To Get It Monday)

What does self actualization mean to you? How important is your life as relates to your personal goals? Do you put other people's goals before your own? Often people are living their lives for other people and they are usually asking for permission. In life one should listen to their intuition as relates to their journey. Think about it, if you're in a relationship, how often are you asking for permission or acceptance when it comes to your decision making? Only you know the answer to this question. If you continue to let individuals control your life and destiny you ...

How To Stop Hating On Yourself

In life we often take what others say as face value. Should we listen to the opinions of others? Well, for the most part, no. People should not have negative people around them trying to discourage them in life. If you have negative people in your life you will become and negative naysayer as well. Show me your friends and I will tell you where you are going in life. In other words surround yourself around the people you want to become like. We are a products of our environment. You should always surround yourself around people that will honor ...

How To Put Your Dreams First (Time To Get It Monday)

How important are your dreams to you? Without your dreams can you live your life the way you want to? Or do you become an extension of someone else's future plans? Well it is important for one to live their dream, because they do come true. Have you ever seen people who have accomplished amazing goals and received a special award for their contributions? Well, whatever they are receiving is due to the fact they took a chance to think outside the box and decided to fulfill the thing that is in their heart. Can you imagine living your entire ...

Life Is A Process (Time To Get It Monday)

Have you ever had a goal in life that you didn't know how to achieve. Was it because you did not have enough information? Or that you didn't understand the process. Well, often this is the case for many people in the world. Believe it or not most people do not understand how to reach their goals. It is easier said than done to achieve one's goals. However, there is a process that has worked throughout the history of time. Whenever you have a goal, the best thing to do is to take baby steps in the direction of that ...

Are You Prepared To Meet Yourself?

Everyone must understand that they will meet their future self at some point in time in their life. Therefore, we must be prepared as relates to the decisions that we make. In other words, the decisions we make will affect our future opportunities. I am providing this information to you to help you better understand life. Remember to be prepared in life and never give up ...

Understand The Impact Of Cause And Effect (Time To Get It Monday)

Cause and effect is important as relates to life whether it is positive or negative. This means that one should be careful when making decisions because everything in life comes with a price. Everything individuals do in their lives will affect them in some sort of way, whether it is the friends that we choose to hand out with, or the food that we decide to put into our bodies. If you are hanging around with people who are negative, chances are their attitudes will rub off on you and you will become negative. If you are eating foods that ...

How To Improve Your Relationships

Relationships are the most important aspects in one's life. Without meaningful relationships none of this even makes sense. What do relationships mean in your life? How important are they? Do you fight for them? Do you honor them? Most people in society take relationships for granted unfortunately. There's a reason why our divorce rate is over 50%, because when people are done dealing with an individual they throw them away and find someone new. Not realizing that the problems that they had in their last relationship will more than likely be inherited by the next person and the cycle is ...

Control Your Emotions (Time To Get It Monday)

How often do we make decisions based on our emotions? Do we let our emotions determine how we feel? Often, I believe we do. Is it healthy? Absolutely not. We must be careful when it comes to our emotions and making decisions on how we feel , that is a recipe for disaster. When is there a time in your life that you can remember making decisions based on how you feel? Probably more often than not. Unfortunately human beings make most of their decisions based on their emotions, and these decisions usually lead to nothing good. Sometimes, if we ...

Compassion (Time To Get It Monday)

What does compassion mean to you? Are you a person that shows compassion toward others? Have you ever been driving down the street and pulled up to a stop light and noticed an individual with a sign, asking to work for food? Usually the words are ironically misspelled. How do you usually feel at this point in time of engagement? You cannot wait for the light to change, because you have no money? Whatever the reason may be…the decision is in your heart. When will you choose to start honoring others in life? It is up to you, remember at ...